Unwind Anxiety with Yoga, from Relaxing Poses to Supportive Spaces – lifestylebell

Unwind Anxiety with Yoga, from Relaxing Poses to Supportive Spaces

Anxiety: A Common Struggle

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease that can affect people of all ages. It can range from mild to severe and can be incredibly debilitating. In today’s world, anxiety is an increasingly common problem that many people face every day.

Fortunately, yoga can be a powerful tool to help manage and overcome anxiety. Through simple poses, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices, yoga can help reduce stress levels and create feelings of peace and relaxation.

In this guide, you’ll learn the basics of yoga for reducing anxiety and how to incorporate yoga into your daily life in a safe and effective way.

Yoga for Reducing Anxiety

When it comes to reducing anxiety, yoga can be a powerful tool. Practising yoga has been proven to help improve relaxation, reduce stress and boost overall well-being.

Yoga poses work by releasing tension from the body, as well as resetting how the brain processes stressful stimuli. When performed regularly, these benefits can cumulatively reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

Below, we’ll look at some basic poses that can help to reduce anxiety levels, alongside breathing exercises and advice about sequencing your practice and creating a supportive environment.

Basic Poses for Anxiety Relief

Yoga poses can be an effective way to reduce tension in the body and mind, helping to combat stress and anxiety. Practicing simple yoga poses regularly can help to keep the body feeling loose and relaxed, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety over time.

Here are some basic yoga poses that can help to reduce stress and anxiety:

  • Child’s Pose – Begin in a kneeling position, with your butt on your feet. Relax your head to the floor and extend your arms in front of you, allowing your entire body to relax.
  • Downward Facing Dog – Start on your hands and knees, then tuck your toes and lift your buttocks up and back until your body forms an “A” shape. Focus on deep breathing and maintaining balance in the pose.
  • Standing Forward Bend – From a standing position, hinge at the hips to fold forward while keeping your back straight. Look down at your feet and take deep breaths, allowing your entire body to relax.
  • Tree Pose (Vrksasana) – Start in mountain pose (Tadasana), then bring one foot up to rest against the opposite inner thigh. Bring your hands together and focus on your breathing, maintaining balance in the pose as you relax your body.

These are just a few basic poses that can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. For more complex poses, or to learn specific sequences tailored to your needs, consider taking a guided yoga class.

Breathing Exercises to Reduce Anxiety

Learning how to breathe correctly can make a huge difference in reducing feelings of anxiety. In yoga, breathing exercises are key for allowing the body and mind to rest and create a state of calmness.

Pranayama (Yogic breathing) is a great way to calm the body and mind quickly. Deep abdominal breathing can help the heart rate to slow down and the body to become more relaxed. On an inhale, fill your belly first, your chest second. Then, on the exhale, empty your chest first, followed by your belly. Pay attention to the length of each breath, and focus on keeping the breaths even and steady.

Alternate Nostril Breathing is a calming technique that you can do anytime during the day to reduce stress and bring balance to the body and mind. With your index finger and middle finger, cover your left nostril and inhale from your right nostril. Then, switch and exhale from your left nostril while covering your right nostril.

Another simple breathing exercise is called Sama Vritti, which means “equal breathing”. In this exercise, you have to count the same number of counts when you inhale and exhale. Try holding the breath for 4-7 seconds after inhalation and after exhaling. This helps to deepen the breath and engage the parasympathetic nervous system.

Sequencing for Maximum Anxiety Reduction

When it comes to using yoga to reduce anxiety, the sequence in which you perform poses can have a huge impact on how effective the practice is. This is because when done in the right order, the poses not only stretch out tense muscle groups but also help promote feelings of inner peace and relaxation. By following a specific sequence, you can ensure that each pose builds on the next and helps to achieve the maximum effect from your yoga practice.

The key to sequencing yoga poses is to move from more active movements into more calming postures, and then end in a posture that helps to relax the body and mind. So, for example, you could start with a few energising sun salutations to wake up your body and give it a good stretch, then move onto some standing poses that help to open up your chest and abdomen, before finishing with some calming seated postures such as Child’s Pose or Corpse Pose.

Remember that everyone is different, so it is important to tailor your sequence to what is most beneficial for your individual needs. Speak to an experienced yoga instructor if you’re not sure where to start. With the right guidance, you will be able to create a sequence of poses that works best for you and helps to reduce your levels of anxiety.

Tailored Routines

When it comes to using yoga to reduce anxiety, tailoring your own routine can be very effective. As everyone experiences anxiety in different ways, your yoga practice should be tailored to fit your unique needs and preferences. There are a few key components to building an effective yoga routine to combat your stress and anxiety.

  • The poses: Consider which poses will be most beneficial for you. You can use more restorative or calming poses, and make sure to include poses that will help you focus on your breath.
  • The sequence: Think about the order in which you’ll move through your poses. This will help you create a flow between them, allowing you to move from more restorative poses to more active ones, depending on your preference.
  • The duration: The length of your yoga routine depends on your needs. When you’re just starting out, it’s best to keep it short and sweet. You can gradually increase the duration of your practice as your skill level increases.
  • The frequency: It’s recommended to practice yoga several times a week for maximum effectiveness. Try to incorporate yoga into your daily routine or set aside time in the morning or evening to practice your poses.

Creating your own tailored routine is a great way to find relief from anxiety. With a little time and practice, you can develop an effective yoga routine that works best for you.

Guided Yoga

Yoga classes can be a great way to receive tailored advice on how to use specific poses to effectively reduce anxiety. With the guidance of an experienced teacher, attending classes allows you to learn the correct postures and breathing techniques needed to maximize the benefits of your yoga practice.

You can also get valuable advice on how to sequence poses, create a supportive environment and avoid common mistakes that can limit the effectiveness of your practice. With guidance, you will learn more about how to practice yoga safely and make sure that you are making progress with your own anxiety management.

Creating a Supportive Yoga Environment

Creating a supportive yoga environment is essential to get the most out of your practice and benefit from its stress-reducing qualities. Whether you choose to practice in a yoga studio, at home, or somewhere else, it’s important to create a space that is comfortable and calming. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Choose an area that allows you to move freely without feeling cramped.
  • Ensure the space is free from distractions like phones, television, and other technology.
  • Set the mood with a yoga mat, candles, soft lighting, and soothing music.
  • Make sure the temperature is comfortable and that there is plenty of fresh air.
  • Keep a water bottle and a towel nearby for convenience.

By creating a supportive yoga environment, you will be able to get the most out of each session, making it easier to relax and reduce anxiety.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When practising yoga for reducing anxiety, there are a few common mistakes that it’s important to be aware of. Not taking the time to stretch and warm up properly can mean your muscles will be tight and you may struggle to get into the correct posture or hold it for long enough to receive the full benefit. Taking too long to exhale during breathing exercises can also impact the effectiveness of your practice – ensure you take at least twice as long to exhale as you do to inhale.

Another common mistake people make is to rush through poses in order to ‘get them done’ – while a slow and steady approach is best when practising yoga for anxiety. Finally, be sure to keep your focus on your breath throughout – this helps to reduce stress and keep you centered and present in the moment.

Supporting Habits

Creating healthy habits that support a yoga practice can be a powerful way to reduce anxiety. Setting small, achievable goals each day can give us a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Making a commitment to practise each day – even if it’s just for 10 minutes – will help keep our motivation up. Establishing a routine is also helpful: when we practice at the same time every day, we make it part of our daily life, which helps set us on a path to success.

Remind yourself of why you are practising yoga to begin with: to reduce anxiety. This can help keep our focus and motivation levels up when things get tough. Lastly, finding a supportive yoga buddy can help keep us accountable and motivated. As yoga helps bring us into balance with ourselves and others, having a friend to practice with can be a great way to increase connection and support.

Using Yoga to Reduce Anxiety

It is no secret that yoga can be a powerful tool in reducing stress and anxiety. With the right practice, you can unlock the potential of yoga to create an oasis of peace and calm in your life. The key points to remember when incorporating yoga into your life are:

  • Understand the benefits of yoga and what it can do for you in reducing anxiety
  • Choose basic poses that will help relax tense muscle groups
  • Practice breathing exercises to relax your body and mind
  • Create sequence to maximize the effectiveness of your poses
  • Tailor your own routine to reduce anxiety levels
  • Participate in guided yoga classes for tailored advice
  • Create a supportive and calming environment
  • Avoid common mistakes to get the most out of your yoga practice
  • Form healthful habits to support your yoga practice

Anxiety does not have to control your life, and with the help of yoga, you can empower yourself to take back control. By staying mindful of these key points, you can start your journey towards a more peaceful and balanced life today.


Finding additional information and guidance to help you on your way to reducing stress and anxiety through yoga is important. There are plenty of resources available online and offline that you can refer to.

One great option is to join a yoga class or find a yoga group near you. This is a great way to get personalized advice on how different poses can be used to tackle anxiety, as well as getting the benefit of being part of a supportive community. You can use online directories such as Yoga Alliance to find classes and groups near you.

Online resources such as DoYouYoga offer free content that you can access to learn about the basics of yoga and how to incorporate specific poses into your practice. YouTube channels such as Yoga With Adriene offer free videos with tailored yoga exercises for reducing anxiety.

Finally, there are numerous books, blogs and podcasts available on the subject of using yoga for reducing stress and anxiety. These can be an invaluable source of information and guidance when putting together your own tailored routines or finding new ways to use yoga in tackling difficult feelings associated with anxiety.

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